- "When you're as good as I am? This is humble."
- —Baal (quote on back cover)
Issue 4 is the fourth issue of The Wicked + The Divine, and the fourth issue in The Faust Act. Baal is featured on the cover. It was released on 17 September 2014.
The mystery is solved. But does pop-god Lucifer like the answer? The answer is a word that rhymes with “Go”, “Blow” and “Pro”. If you think the answer rhymes with “Cow” I applaud you for your unconventional nature. It's good to experiment. We're experimenting with being Awesome for four issues in a row. JOIN US.[1]
Plot summary[]
Baal leads Laura and Cassandra around Woden's Valhalla in London, which is currently acting as the Pantheon's retreat.
The Immoral of the Tale, 10 January 2014[]
Baal defends himself, explaining that he fought with Inanna because Inanna didn't have the self-control to stay away from Lucifer, which would have ruined the Pantheon's plans. He then has two Valkyries bar Cassandra from following, and takes Laura to meet the rest of the Pantheon: Sakhmet, Woden, Minerva, Amaterasu and Ananke.
Ananke thanks Laura for helping Lucifer, but explains that she must remain imprisoned for the good of the Pantheon. Anyone in the Pantheon could have framed Lucifer, and the only chance of catching the killer is to wait until they make a mistake; in the meantime, keeping Lucifer imprisoned ensures that the world does not turn against the gods. Otherwise, there is a risk that the current recurrence will be the last. Ananke asks Laura to tell Luci they love her, and that she should not be foolish.
It's Going to Be Okay, 11 January 2014[]
Laura visits Lucifer in prison and relates Ananke's message. Lucifer is angry that she might spend the rest of her short life in prison, and uses magic to free herself and burn her way out of the prison, stopping outside the building to smoke. Laura asks her to stop because she is certain Lucifer is innocent, but Luci burns her way to freedom, leaving massive destruction in her wake.
External links[]